Welcome to our Discernment page.
Our work has the potential to change many things about your inner and outer experience which means you may feel quite different after receiving an Integration. It’s important to learn all you can about the process before deciding what’s right for you.
We consider it our most important job to create emotional safety which is intended to help you slow down, ground yourself, go within, listen to your intuition, and come to a decision that’s right for you.
We’ll never pressure, manipulate, or give you a sales pitch. Instead, we’d like to invite you into a mindful Discernment Process.
This is an opportunity for you to discern whether or not you could benefit from our approach, and for us to discern whether or not we can help you. The goal of our Discernment Process is to help you identify your needs and the best approach to meet those needs at this time, whether it’s working with us, or with someone else.
Our Discernment Process is FREE of charge and is intended to provide you with all the information you need to determine if our approach would meet your needs and feel supportive to you.
If you’re ready to begin, please download our guide to the Discernment Process.